
We take your privacy very seriously and hold data security and privacy to the highest industry standards. Sibila Law provides our clients and closing partners access to our secure online title, escrow & closing platform that ensures a smooth, secure transaction and timely, safe and seamless closing experience in today’s digital age. 

Digital Notary

As one of the first firms in Florida to offer Remote Online Notarizations (RON) over live, two-way video calls, Sibila Law has extensive experience with remote online notarizations which allow us to electronically notarize a document or a set of documents digitally and securely without the use of paper or a rubber stamp.

Free Quotes

With just a few quick clicks, you can use our closing Quoting Tool on the bottom of the screen to quickly and easily get an estimate for Title Insurance & Settlement Costs for a new purchase or refinance without logging in.

Want to learn more about how our team uses technology and state-of-the-art processes in our practice? Please visit our PRESS page.

Organization Schema